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24ft 3-Climber Rockwall
24ft 3-Climber Rockwall


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Setup Area: 35Lx15Wx24H

Actual Size: 35Lx15Wx24H

Monitors: Lakeland Moonwalk

(525.00 for 2hrs. Each Additional Hour $225.00)
Nothing adds more excitement or visual appeal to an event than a rock wall! The wall is designed to challenge and thrill participants of all ages and ability levels. Lakeland Moonwalk's Rockwalls are about 24 feet high and can accommodate about 3 climbers at one time. All events include professional staff, equipment, and insurance. 

**Item not subject to any discount**


Copyright 2010, Lakeland Moonwalk Of Polk County Inc(tm) (863) 286-5922

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